Food Support to Covid affected families:
Community Peace for Sustainable Development Project provided relief food support for 752 households of Janaki Rural Municipality and Lamki-Chuha Municipality of Kailali District. This food support was distributed by the respective Rural Municipalities and monitored by Welfare Association of Children in Tikapur ( WACT). In Banke district, food support was given to 33 Covid- 19 patients and 11 health service providers in Sushil Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital( Covid designated)
Medical item Support: Medical Support was to provided Khajura RM of Banke Districts. 29 packets of Hand sanitizer, N-95 Mask 200 pc, 50 PPE set and 1box of gloves. Similarly, in Janaki RM of Banke 9 sanitizer 100 pc N-95 Mask and 24 PPE set were supported.

- Radio program: Awareness message in Awadhi and Nepali languages broadcasted in 2 FM radio of Banke Districts. Along with that discussion with community leaders and health professionals to address the issues of stigma and racial discrimination-once in a week- 2 episode were broadcasted in the same FM radio at Banke.
- Community awareness program: In Banke District orientation on social distancing and hand wash process was organized by project staff. Also Provided Mask and sanitizer to youth and women who involved in the awareness activity. The gathering of 8-10 people from muslim, pahadhi and tharu community and shared information about covid- 19, demonstrated hand washing process and social distancing Distributed masks and soap to them.

Promoting Reproductive Health of Adolescent and Youth through action in Society (PRAYAS) project supported 1400 household with 2 soaps in working area for personal protections. 3 health post of working ward was supported 2 packets of sanitizer in each health post. 3 Police stations was also supported with 2 packets of sanitizer in each station. 10 peer educator and 32 Female Community Health Volunteer were mobilized for Corona prevention in their own respective wards of Achham districts. Similarly, in Okhaldhunga Rs. 25000 was given for a relief support to marginalized and disabled people of constituent ward in coordination wiht Siddhicharan Municipality. Also, 800 pcs soap were supported to United Mission hospital focusing on patients. Hoarding board with Corona preventive measures and mode of transmission was installed in the community. 10 peer educator and 23 Female Community Health Volunteer were mobilized for Corona prevention in their own respective wards.