Current Projects

1. Strengthening Collaboration for Sustainable Development (SCSD)

This four year’s (2021-2024) project is a part of BFTW’s Civil Peace Service (CPS) program & financially supported by Bread for The World (BFTW), Germany. This project is implemented by Chandra Jyoti Integrated Rural Development Society (CIRDS) in Dhading, Community Development Forum (CDF) Nepal in Morang Likhu Demba Community Development Forum (LDCDF) in Okhaldhunga through coordination with Sansthagat Bikas Sanjal. The project aims to enhance the capacity of civil society groups duty bearers so that conflict resolution-oriented dialogue processes take place at various levels, involving in particular those civil society groups representing various marginalized ethnic, social, political or religious groups.

Project Coverage: Thakre rural municipality of Dhading, Khijidemba rural municipality of Okhaldhunga and Letang Municipality of Morang district.


2.Awareness of Women and Adolescent on Reproductive health Education (AWARE) Project

This project is financially supported by Women’s World Day of Prayers (WWDP) -German Committee and is being implemented by Grameen Mahila Jagaran Sanjal (GMJS), Okhaldhunga through the coordination of Sansthagat Bikas Sanjal with the aim to contribute to improve and aware the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and women in project area. 

Project Coverage:  Siddhicharan Municipality, Okhaldhunga